Bleeding Edge Web

January 2014: Fitness for Geeks

News from the Bleeding Edge / Geek Fitness Roundup

— Brian Moeskau (@bmoeskau)

FitChimp Demo and Tech Talk

— Truong-An Thai, CEO (@bithai)
— Dr. Trung Nguyen, Chief Wellness Officer (@trungmanator)
— Patrick Hitchins, CMO (@hitchpat)

Sponsor: Hot Lava
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Sponsor: O'Reilly Media
Fitness for Geeks

Fitness for Geeks

Typical Geeks



Geeks Need Fitness
(More than we think)

Source: Study of 2,000 adults by LUMO

Typical Geek Lifestyle...



Geeks Can Be Fit


Eating Well

Eating well is simple. It's just not easy.

Geeks Are Logical

The Hacker's Diet

E-book written by John Walker, founder of Autodesk

Analytical strategies for planning meals, losing weight and keeping it off

Geeks Love Efficiency


A nutritionally-complete meal in each drink

Raised over $2MM on CrowdTilt

Shipping in "Early 2014"

Geeks Love Gadgets


Measures "fork servings per minute", serving interval, meal length

Gentle vibrations alert you if you are eating too fast

Has an app and web dashboard


Geeks Are Busy


Personal trainer app for iPad (and TV via AirPlay)

Personalized workouts based on goals, time available

The 7 Minute Workout

12 exercises deploying only body weight, a chair and a wall

It fulfills the latest mandates for high-intensity effort, which essentially combines a long run and a visit to the weight room into about seven minutes of steady discomfort — all of it based on science.

7 Minutes Too Much?

The 4 Minute Workout

Scientific stufy performed in 2013

4 minutes of 90% effort cardio, 3 times/week, has same effect as 16 minute sessions

Geeks Sit a Lot


Active sitting

Geeks (Really) Love Gadgets

Plenty of Choices

Atlas Wristband

Austin Startup, IndieGoGo campaign NOW through Feb 6

Detects and tracks specific exercises like push ups

API, compatible with third party apps

Lumo Back

Posture and activity sensor

Coaches you throughout the day, vibrates when you slouch

Geeks Love Measuring Stuff


Austin startup, acquired by Under Armour in Nov

Social network, mapping and tracking of activity

Geeks Can Be Extreme


Exercise while you work

For those who love taking things a bit too far

Geeks Love Games


Designed by "fitness geeks" to make exercise fun and addictive

Challenges, duels, achievement badges, social sharing

Zombies, Run!

Outrun zombies and complete missions on your way to getting fit

So, in review, geeks are...

Gadget lovers
Game lovers

Figure out which qualities resonate...

...and make it happen!

Q & A

Brian Moeskau — @bmoeskau


