Bleeding Edge Web: July 2015
News from the Bleeding Edge
— Brian Moeskau (@bmoeskau)
On the Edge
Introducing the new browser and rendering engine from Microsoft
— Ryan Joy (@atxryan)
News from the
Bleeding Edge
Browser Pop Quiz
Last version check — June 2015:
Browser Pop Quiz
As of July 22, 2015:
Chrome Highlights
Firefox Highlights
Version 30
Still in preview, to be finalized with Windows 10 (July 29 - next week!)
Interesting features added since last month:
Safari & IE
9 is coming soon though...)
Farewell IE
- Edge is the new IE
- Starting next month we'll no longer discuss IE, barring some major unexpected development
Service Worker
Enables applications to take advantage of persistent background processing,
including hooks to enable bootstrapping of web applications while offline.
W3C spec
Added in Firefox, already in Chrome — let's learn a little more...
Service Worker
- Can run JS outside of the scope of a web page
Service Worker
- Can run JS outside of the scope of a web page
- Can control multiple pages
Service Worker
- Can run JS outside of the scope of a web page
- Can control multiple pages
- Can intercept / modify navigation requests (like a cliet-side proxy)
Service Worker
- Can run JS outside of the scope of a web page
- Can control multiple pages
- Can intercept / modify navigation requests (like a cliet-side proxy)
- Can use browser caching for persistence (via indexedDB)
Service Worker
- Can run JS outside of the scope of a web page
- Can control multiple pages
- Can intercept / modify navigation requests (like a cliet-side proxy)
- Can use browser caching for persistence (via indexedDB)
- Can NOT modify the DOM directly (but can notify page scripts via
Service Worker
- Can run JS outside of the scope of a web page
- Can control multiple pages
- Can intercept / modify navigation requests (like a cliet-side proxy)
- Can use browser caching for persistence (via indexedDB)
- Can NOT modify the DOM directly (but can notify page scripts via
- Is fully async / promise-based
Service Worker
So what is all of this good for? Powerful offline / mobile support!
- Detect when offline and serve from cache
- Build your own selective cache based on resources requested
- Prefetch resources in the background (e.g. responsive images)
- ServiceWorker-side templating
Service Worker
Service Worker
Bottom Line
- Not yet ready for prime time, but coming along
- Could still be useful today for specific use cases
ServiceWorker Ready?
Potentially-breaking changes:
- Simplified .show() and .hide() logic
- Changed .data() to more closely match the dataset spec
- $.Deferred is now fully Promises/A+ compatible (major changes
to how the existing .then() method works and handles errors)
- Removal of "special-case" Ajax methods (e.g. .abort())
- And more!
Migrate plugin provided to ease transition
1.2 ("later this summer")
- Adopting ES2015 as the "official JavaScript" of Meteor!
- Auto-transpiling via Babel
- First-class support for "reactive" rendering via Angular and JSX
And now for something completely different...
Helping you choose a JavaScript game engine
- Basically TodoMVC using Breakout instead of a todo list
- Features: collision detection, sprite animation, sound fx, tiled backgrounds, etc.
- Over a dozen JS game frameworks represented
Texas Linux Festival 2015
State-wide, annual, community-run conference for Linux and open source software
users and enthusiasts from around the Lone Star State
Combines video game music masterfully performed by a full symphony and choir with the
explosive energy of a rock concert.
- Classic video game themes played by live symphony
- Interactive contests and live gaming set to music
- August 2, 7pm at Cedar Park Center
- $47 and up (up to $10 off via this link)
OpenAIR — Accessibility Hackathon
Work with a team to develop a web project to benefit a nonprofit or community organization
- More than just a "hackthon": 5 weeks, work directly with "client", weekly meetings, etc.
- Team training: September 1
- Competition: October 1 - early November
- Requires $100-150 team fee, prizes to top teams
Sign up