— Brian Moeskau (@bmoeskau)
— Jeffrey Biles (@jeffreybiles)
Thanks to our venue sponsor:
Thanks to our food sponsor:
Thanks to our swag sponsor:
Last version check — August 2015:
44 | 40 | 31 | 1 (?) | 8 |
As of September 22, 2015:
44 45 |
40 41 |
31 32 |
1 (?) 13 * |
8 |
// Concise syntax
let square = x => x * x;
console.log(square(10)); // 100
// Auto binding of `this` to lexical scope
let counter_es6 = function() {
this.seconds = 0;
setInterval(() => this.seconds++, 1000);
ES2015: Array methods (and TypedArray)
Array.from('hello'); // ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
Array.of('hello'); // ["hello"]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4].fill(5); // [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]
['brian', 'corey'].find(function(item, index, array) {
return item.startsWith('b') ? item : null;
}); // 'brian'
Copies the values (of all enumerable own properties) from one or more source objects to a target object.
// Merge multiple objects
Object.assign({foo: 0}, {bar: 1}); // {foo: 0, bar: 1}
// Ovrewrite equal keys
Object.assign({hello: 0}, {hello: 1}); // {hello: 1}
// Clone an object
let obj = { person: 'Brian'};
let clone = Object.assign({}, obj); // {person: 'Brian'}
(Safari 9 is coming soon...)
✩ To be precise:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10547
Already working with third parties to reflect v.13
As of today Edge is at 80% ES2015 compatibility. This is amazing.
So what actually changed? Lots of stuff!
A few highlights...
HTML5 <template> element (part of Web Components)
<div id="items_list"></div>
<template id="items">
<span class="item"></span>
HTML5 <picture> element & srcset sizes attribute
<source srcset="medium.jpg 1000w, large.jpg 2000w">
<img src="small.png">
HTML5 <a [download]> attribute
<a href="docs/some-doc-v.1.2.txt"
The front-end framework for building experiences for Office and Office 365
Open-sourced (MIT) on Github (whaa?)
Contains V8 (JS engine) — same version as current Chrome
Translation: ES2015 out of the box!
Node is now following semver (sorta)
All x.0 releases stable, but only even releases will get long-term support
Oh yeah, by the way...
Node 4.1.0 was released Sep 17th :)
Is this interesting to you?
Keep an eye out for next month's meetup...
This release marks the beginning of ECMAScript's journey toward version 2016.
Great rundown of the new ES versioning scheme
Uses Ecmarkup (custom HTML superset)
<img src="figure.png">
<emu-caption>Example figure</emu-caption>
Virtual conference on Angular and other JS/Node topics
Where Grownups Go to Unplug, Get Away, and Be Kids Again.