Bleeding Edge Web: August 2018
News From the Bleeding Edge
— Brian Moeskau (@bmoeskau)
Lambda, SQS & API Gateway… for Fun and Profit
— Ted Patrick (@__ted__)
Open Source Node Dev Tools
— Corey Butler (@goldglovecb)
- Speakers and sponsors always wanted (
- Parking has changed!
- Omni hotel bar (downstairs) after meetup
- Anyone hiring / looking?
News from the
Bleeding Edge
Browser Pop Quiz
Last check — July 19, 2018:
Browser Pop Quiz
As of August 16, 2018:
Chrome 68

- Applies to background tabs
const prepareForFreeze = () => {
// stop timers, close DB connections, etc.
const reInitializeApp = () => {
// restart stopped processes
document.addEventListener('freeze', prepareForFreeze);
document.addEventListener('resume', reInitializeApp);
Chrome 68

- Web standards-based method for accepting payments
- Easily plug in your own custom payment UI
const request = new PaymentRequest([{
supportedMethods: ''
}], {
total: {
amount: { value: '10', currency: 'USD' }
Chrome 68

Other features
Languages, Libraries &
TypeScript 3.0

Released July 20th
- Project references and new --build mode
- Richer tuple support
- Support for JSX defaultProps
- Improved error handling & editor features
- NOTE: There are a few breaking changes
An open source boilerplate to build a modern, non-trivial web app
Announced August 1st
- Maintained by the Uber Engineering team
- Built for React/Redux, with plugin-based extensibility
- Presets for HMR, SSR, bundle-splitting, etc.
- Support for typed dependency injection
Learn more on Github
23+ Node.js Security Best Practices
Just for Node.js night at BEW :)
- It's a subset of this list of 80+ general Node best practices
- Covers OWASP top 10, plus 40 general tips
- Too much to list here—go read it
The Cost of JavaScript
Overview of current JS performance recommendations
- Audit and trim JS bundles, including imported libs
- Focus on "time-to-interactive"
- Keep total JS budget per page <170K minified/compressed
Read the full report for more tips and tricks
JS13K is Back

HTML5 and JavaScript game development competition in just 13K of code
- Zipped code must be <= 13,312 bytes (self-contained)
- Categories: desktop, mobile, server & VR
- Deadline is September 13th—win prizes!
Find out more, or play last year's winning game
And now for something completely different...
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