— Brian Moeskau (@bmoeskau)
— Fabio Pliger
Utility-based animations for the web.
Tailwind-inspired CSS animation utilities
<h1 data-animate="@lg:[&>span>span]:to:y-0|stagger-0.025">
Build UIs without the grunt work
A small JS library for beautiful drawing and handwriting on the HTML Canvas
Not new, but 4.0 is a huge rewrite (demo)
A scalable alternative to Tailwind, BEM, and CSS-in-JS
Basically, plain CSS + a design system
A (Vue-based) Static Site Generator (SSG) designed for building fast, content-centric websites.
Fast drag and drop for any experience on any tech stack
"Three and a half decades ago, when I invented the web..."
vlt /vōlt/: We are building the future of JavaScript packages.
A web-friendly hardware-agnostic ML abstraction layer
= FontAwesome + Shoelace
An origin story of Node.js
A soccer-based experiment in variable font craziness
💥 Blasts 😄 emoji 😊 like 🎆 fireworks 🎇 all up in your 💻 HTML 📄 page. 😍
// Commence explosions!
Better to just try (all of) the demos 😄
Brian Moeskau