Bleeding Edge Web


June 2024

News From the Bleeding Edge

— Brian Moeskau (@bmoeskau)

The Root of All (Web) Evils

— Kyle Simpson (


Thanks to Our Host!


Libraries & Frameworks

React 19 (not) released

A subtle RC change just got noticed on June 11th.

React 18 rendered suspense children in parallel:

          <Suspense fallback={"Loading..."}>
            <ComponentThatFetchesData val={1} />
            <ComponentThatFetchesData val={2} />
            <ComponentThatFetchesData val={3} />

v19 RC changed this loading to sequential.

The Internet was not happy.

React 19 (not) released

Long story short: the React team relented.

  • They still recommend hoisting data loading...
  • but decided not to drastically slow the Internet

So React 19 is paused until they fix this!

State of JS 2023

Published June 23rd

A few nuggets:

  • Most liked: Vite, Jest, React, Svelte
  • Most hated: Gatsby, Angular, Selenium, Webpack
  • Most popular non-JS: Python, PHP, Java

Also check out the State of HTML 2023 report

And a note on developer burnout

Other notable releases

Baseline News

What is Baseline?

Web platform features that are ready to use in your projects today.

How features become Baseline "available":

  • Newly available: supported by all core browsers *
  • Widely available: 30 months since interoperable date

* Chrome / Firefox (desktop + Android), Safari (macOS + iOS), Edge

June browser releases

Stable version releases:

Also notable:

JS Set methods

Baseline newly available as of Firefox 127

Async Clipboard API

Baseline newly available as of Firefox 127

  • execCommand() was the old (synchronous) way
  • Now we have async read() and write()
  • Customize via copy and paste events
  • Learn more

Safari 18 beta

Announced June 10th

Safari 18 beta

Also, a few interesting deprecations:

  • Removed JPEG2000 image support
  • Deprecated the :-khtml-drag pseduo-class

Web history pop quiz: what does khtml mean?

Web History Spotlight


  • Was the browser engine for KDE Konqueror
  • Konqueror peaked at ~0% market share, but...
  • 2002: Apple forks KHTML to create WebKit
  • 2103: Google forks WebKit to create Blink
  • So ~93% of browsers today descend from KHTML!

History of Web Browser Engines

This is a cool visual of 34 years of browser history.

Browser history

Web Standards Spotlight


Approved June 26th

Overview of what's included:

* Baseline with Firefox 128       ** No Firefox support yet

In Case You
Missed It

Chrome Console Insights

Gemini provides insights right in the DevTools Console, so you can better understand errors and warnings.

Disclaimer: "Sometimes, the responses that LLMs produce sound convincing but are actually misleading or meaningless to a human web developer."

Last But
Not Least

Night Cityscape in 140 bytes of JS

Night cityscape


Brian Moeskau