Bleeding Edge Web


August 2024

News From the Bleeding Edge

— Brian Moeskau (@bmoeskau)

Repurpose Your JS Frontend As A Desktop and Mobile App With Tauri

— Jason Levitt


Thanks to Our Host!


Expedia is always hiring!

Libraries & Frameworks

Notable releases

Baseline News

Latest browser releases

Flexbox safe alignment

Baseline with Safari 17.6

Prevent data loss when using CSS flexbox.

Prevents overflowed content from being cut off

        .container {
          display: flex;
          flex-direction: column;
          align-items: safe center;
          width: 50%;

Best explained by example


Baseline with Firefox 129

Defines initial styles for elements that aren't yet rendered.

Used when animating in from display: none

        @starting-style {
          dialog[open] {
            /*   Styles before the dialog opens   */

Learn more


Baseline with Firefox 129

Enables animation of discrete properties.

Discrete properties can't interpolate between values

  • Binary values like display and visibility
  • allow-discrete swaps values at the 50% point

        transition: translate 0.7s ease-out, display 0.7s ease-out allow-discrete;

Learn more

Putting it together

Example of how these work together:

        dialog[open] {
          translate: 0 0;
          transition: translate 0.7s ease-out, display 0.7s ease-out allow-discrete;

          @starting-style {
            translate: 0 100vh;

Also shows CSS nesting (baseline since December 2023)

Industry News

W3C: 3rd Party Cookies Must Go

Published July 29th

In response to Google's Privacy Sandbox announcement

EU Artificial Intelligence Act

Went into force August 1st

First comprehensive AI legislation in the world

  • Risk levels: minimal, limited, high, unacceptable
  • Requires levels of disclosure and mitigation
  • Unacceptable risk is banned
  • Enforcement will phase in through August 2027

Fair Source Licensing

Announced August 6th by Sentry

New middle ground between OSS and closed source.

Fair Source ( software:

  • is publicly available to read;
  • allows use, modification, and redistribution with minimal restrictions to protect the producer’s business model; and
  • undergoes Delayed OSS Publication (DOSP)

2024 SO Developer Survey

65k developers responded this year:

Random trivia:

  • Most popular language? JS
  • Most admired language? Rust
  • Highest median salary language? Erlang


React Conf 2024

May 15-16 in Las Vegas

It's over, but all talks are now online!

ViteConf 2024

October 3rd

24 hour marathon of talks from the teams innovating in the Vite Ecosystem!

Free and online, excellent speaker list

Highly recommended!

Handy Tools

SENDUNE HTML Email Designer

Open source WYSIWYG email design tool

  • Install and run it locally
  • Free and OSS, built on email best practices
  • Try it online:

Just For Fun


Turns any Google Calendar into a FUSE filesystem

Mona Lisa is stored as: WhenFS


Brian Moeskau